Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week 39/Olivia's Room

Sheldon the Turtle (got it on Zulily)
So I am down to a week left but it doesn't mean it's over. This little bundle of joy could be like her father and be late for everything or maybe just forget to come out. I had my check up on Wednesday and I am now 2 cm.  I also had to have a stress test because she isn't really moving as much as she has before but it couldbe that she is bigger now. So the doctor said that if I want I can talk about being induced on this coming Wednesday. We can decide what to do then although I don't know if I want to be induced so we will see. I am getting really tired where driving is getting hard for me. But we finally have her room ready and here are the pictures.

          This was her room before we did all the painting and all the decor


 We were given the changing table by a co-worker but we removed the varnish and painted it a green to go with our theme.