Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Olivia Juliet Aguilar


So after nine months of waiting for the love of our lives; she has arrived. Born on Friday February 22, 2013. The journey was a hard one but she was worth every push and tears. The delivery was 12 hours from 8:30 AM to 8:53PM. She gave us a scare but my mom and Tony comforted me during that moment that gave me strength.


my favorite picture

Being induced: I was at first worried I was making the wrong choice by electing an induction but when we were in the hospital we found out my water had been broken for a while and she had a bowel movement inside.

Epidural: AAAAAMAZING although I think that i might have had a rare experience that I still didn't find it upsetting because it felt better after that. So I had to get the epidural done twice because the first time it didn't go in the right place and I started squirting blood from the catheter  So a 30 minute process took about an hour since they had to start all over. Oh and Tony didn't faint either time which the nurses where impressed with. More power to you if you can do it naturally but I couldn't take it so I opted for the drugs.

Pushing: It took 3 hours to push her out and her shoulder got stuck towards the end of the delivery. The doctor, I think, anticipated something was going not so well and cleared out my mom and Tony from the bed side and she pulled and tugged on Olivia while a male nurse pushed down on my stomach because Olivia wasn't breathing  and purple. They moved her over to where NICU had their station set up and it felt like for ever because she wasn't crying but the amazing team at Parkview worked on her and cleared her lungs and made her respond  One of the multiple things that I am thankful for is that Parkview has a 4 level trauma center where there is always CHOC NICU doctor there in case of emergency.

Tony and I feel so completely blessed to be able to have her and she is amazing and just watching her and staying up the last few day has been hard but I wouldn't trade it for anything knowing that she is with us now. When she open her eyes it a overwhelming feeling of this beautiful connection that overwhelms me with unspeakable emotion. I never thought that I would ever be so blessed to experience this type of love.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gelish by Harmony

So since I am still at home waiting I decided to go out and buy a gel manicure system so when I go back to work I don't lose touch on how to do things. The product has been out for about a year but has been in development for about 8 years. The reason why the company took so long to come out with Gelish is because they wanted to come out with a product that would actually work the way it says it should. I personally am starting to love it. I have had three girls get a manicure done at my house and they love the color and the thinness of the product. They have over 74 colors and glitters available so there is something for everyone.

Week 39/Olivia's Room

Sheldon the Turtle (got it on Zulily)
So I am down to a week left but it doesn't mean it's over. This little bundle of joy could be like her father and be late for everything or maybe just forget to come out. I had my check up on Wednesday and I am now 2 cm.  I also had to have a stress test because she isn't really moving as much as she has before but it couldbe that she is bigger now. So the doctor said that if I want I can talk about being induced on this coming Wednesday. We can decide what to do then although I don't know if I want to be induced so we will see. I am getting really tired where driving is getting hard for me. But we finally have her room ready and here are the pictures.

          This was her room before we did all the painting and all the decor


 We were given the changing table by a co-worker but we removed the varnish and painted it a green to go with our theme.